Discovers and explores God's hidden and not-so-hidden qualities in the lives of our dogs.
God Backwards?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tails of Angels: Angels With Fur
Angels With Fur
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)
The inspiration behind these pages sprang from a journey down two different paths. One path is worn bare with my footprints and leads me on a never-ending journey to grow closer to God; studying my Bible, yearning to discover God’s nature and His will for my life. The other path is freshly paved but equally long and I’m just at the trail head. To become a professional dog trainer and in doing so, learn more about dogs; how they think, what they know. As I traveled along, the paths began to move closer to one another and although they didn’t become one, they ran parallel as one road began to reveal more about the other.
Walk into any bookstore and you’ll find the dog section packed with more books about them than any other animal on earth. Dogs are studied and researched today more than ever before. Most books I’ve read examine dogs from a scientific and psychological perspective. My desire is to experience them from an emotional, spiritual viewpoint; viewing them as God’s creation filled with his invisible qualities. Love, grace, forgiveness, and strength are just a few of the many qualities of God I witness through dogs that have touched my life either by personal experience or by news stories, books or articles. Dogs, like God himself, are mysterious, delightfully unpredictable, and bring an incredible amount of joy into my life.
While there is an exhaustible amount of information written on both subjects: dogs and God, we are constantly trying to figure them out. Digging deeper into their psyche. What does everything mean? How do we, as humans, figure in to their existence? What do they think about us? Could it be that we are not as important as we think? What I believe; and that is all it is, no science, no data, just a simple belief, is that both God and dogs exist out of and for love. Dogs reveal to us God’s nature. God uses them to reveal things about himself to us. Even his angels, at times, indwell in them. How else could so many amazing feats of bravery by dogs go unexplained?
Dogs have a purpose in our lives. What other animal have we invited into our home? Why is it that we share our bed with a dog and not, say, a beaver? Why do we put up with the shedding, slobbering, muddy footprints, and cold wet nose that awaken us at two a.m.? Could it be that they fill a need in our lives that God knew humans couldn’t fulfill? Regardless of the reasons, dogs are special animals. Whether or not you choose to pursue a relationship with God; you more than likely, at some point in your life, have chosen to have a relationship with a dog. Whether it was yours or someone else’s, a dog has touched your life and God was there, closer than you think.